Our missionary families

We recognise that our Saviour in the great commission exhorts us to have a passion for the lost all over the world.  We are committed to praying for and supporting those who have gone from us to tell the world of the Saviour and to continue to be a sending church.
Philip and Heather Saunders

Philip and Heather Saunders


Philip and Heather Saunders have been part of Moira Baptist church since July 2006. For thirty years before that, they worshipped at Brooklands Gospel Centre, Dundonald. Heather grew up in Lurgan, and she and Philip have known each other since the age of fourteen. They have three married daughters – Joy, Rachel and Hilary – and six grandchildren.

Peter and Rachel

We are Peter & Rachel and we have three children..  We both trusted in Christ at a young age and throughout our teenage years enjoyed being involved in a variety of ministries in our home church and overseas.

However the Lord really challenged us both about the need of long-term mission, and our responsibility to share His good news with people who have no opportunity to hear unless someone goes to tell them.

We also have several members who serve the Lord full-time in our Association offices and in Revival Movement Association.