An overview of many areas of fellowship
In addition to our corporate fellowship as we worship together on Sundays, we also share fellowship together in smaller groupings and would welcome you to join us.
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7.

Evert Sunday we join together in worship, listen to God’s word and gather at the Lord’s Table.
Services on Sunday are at 11.00 am and 6.30 pm
See what Sunday morning services are like on our YouTube channel.
Praying together
Second and third Wednesday of the month at 8pm in Church
Every Sunday at 6pm when we have an evening service in Church
E-Members prayer updates.

Baptist Women
Women of all ages meet together monthly in Moira Baptist, usually on the fourth Thursday of each month. The programme is varied and interesting. All ladies are welcome.
Women’s Bible Studies
Quite a number of ladies meet regularly each month for Bible studies, both in the church hall and in homes. Why not come along?
A monthly group for the ‘older generation’ which usually meets in the Upper Room on the 3rd Monday of the month. The age range is 50 ish to 90+. All denominations and backgrounds are welcome to join us.
Care Team
The focus of the MBC Care Team is to reflect God’s love by providing practical and loving support to those in MBC who are in need.
And, connect with visitors and newcomers to MBC in such a way that they experience a warm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

Chuch outings
Over the years we have held special family fun days to places like Castlewellan Park. These are great opportunities to get to know each other outside of church life and affords wonderful opportunities for opening spiritual conversations.
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