Women’s Day out to Montalto Estate

Women’s Day out to Montalto Estate

The BWF ladies ended the year with a lovely day out on Saturday 25th May at Montalto Estate. We spent a few hours wandering around the beautiful gardens and trails, getting our steps up and enjoying the beautiful weather we were blessed with. We had a lovely lunch...
Men’s Fellowship BBQ with Ally Simms

Men’s Fellowship BBQ with Ally Simms

Maker, Model, Man and Machine On a forecasted showery Tuesday evening in May we were able (between the showers) to enjoy viewing machines both classic and modern. With nearly 20 vehicles on display in the MBC car park there was plenty to view and chat over along with...
He is risen

He is risen

“What a joy it was to meet at Dawn in the Demesne and join with our fellow believers from the other churches in the village to celebrate the joy of the resurrection!Rev Howard Gilpin encouraged us from God’s Word and afterwards we fellowshipped over a beautiful...
“What a load of rubbish!”

“What a load of rubbish!”

“What a load of rubbish!” So shouted a member of the congregation in Moira Baptist church as Pastor Mark was speaking on St Patrick’s night. What a startling interruption! But the noisy heckler was none other than Saint Patrick (aka our pastoral assistant dressed in...
Spotlight on Spain

Spotlight on Spain

Jennifer Coll is heading to Vicar in Spain on a short-term placement with Baptist Missions. There was a special “Spotlight on Spain” farewell service for Jennifer in Moira Baptist on Sunday, January 14th. Andrew Elliot spoke about gospel needs in Spain, Sarah...
Christmas 2023 walk

Christmas 2023 walk

On 28th December, men, boys, one young lady and the four-legged friends all walked from Yellow River through Rostrevor Forest to Kilbroney. Walking off the turkey and eating what was left of Christmas food was embraced by all. A new walk for most with fellowship, fun...