e-members are people over 18 who are members of Moira Baptist Church or are registered adherents. If you are a regular attender at our services and wish to become a registered adherent, please ask our administrator for a sign-up form.
The e-ministry has two main functions:
- e-members are updated on specific prayer needs of the church. These include illness, bereavement announcements, prayer letters from our own missionaries etc. If you belong to Moira Baptist Church either as a member or an adherent, you may make specific requests for prayer for yourself or your family but note that prayer request emails are only sent out with the permission of or at the request of the individual/family concerned.
- The second function is to share announcements, the monthly diaries, appeals for help etc relating to our own church family or relating to our wider church family within the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.
Note that the e-ministry list is structured so that only Church Members will receive emails that relate to strictly membership matters.
- To request prayer, inform of illness or bereavements or any related matters, please send your request to David McFarland dmcf@moirabaptist.org
- To ask for announcements to be shared, please send to Sandra Leathem admin@moirabaptist.org
In the event that one of these is unavailable and the need is urgent, please contact the other person.
Thank you for your fellowship in prayer. It is deeply appreciated by those in need.
“When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, ..…… (Acts 4:24)

Privacy concerns?
Emails are sent using Mailchimp and members’ and adherents’ email addresses are held on the Mailchimp server (their privacy policy here). The ministry is administered by two of our members, one of whom is the church administrator. All data is strictly private: only two members have password protected access to the database and no email address will be shared with other e-members without your permission.