We are members of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland

The Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland is a group of 120 autonomous churches which have voluntarily agreed to work together.
These churches have well over 8,500 members and represent a Baptist community of about 20,000 people. Because every church is autonomous, the churches are self-governing. Therefore the Association only acts on behalf of the churches for the work which the churches have agreed to do together.
Departministry include:
The Missions Department, known as Baptist Missions, maintains staff in Ireland, Peru, and Europe.
Its Youth Department called Baptist Youth has a varied programme of activities for children and young people and provides training and resources for those involved.
Baptist Women is a vibrant ministry to women in our churches and community.
The Education Department embraces the Irish Baptist College which facilitates the training of men and women for Christian ministry at home and overseas.
There is a Welfare Department which handles practical and financial assistance for orphans and retired workers.